Tag Archives: Austin Andrews

Hope, It’s Next Best To Excitement


I love collecting quotes. Most are from famous people like Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller or Leo Tolstoy.

Occasionally I’m able to capture a priceless quote from someone I know. Such is the case with the following quote by an 8 year old boy, Austin Andrews. Austin is the son of my friends, author and speaker Andy Andrews, and his wife Polly. 

The Andrews live on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Fishing is one of their favorite pastimes. One day, while fishing with his dad, Austin said: 

“The reason I like to fish is because when everything is calm and quiet, your whole self is full of hoping. And whether you catch anything or not, you still get to hope. It’s a great feeling isn’t it? Hope, I mean. It’s next best to excitement.”  

Is your “whole self full of hoping?” What would have to happen in order to make this kind of hope possible for you?